Rava Ray es una modelo de Tahiti que está logrando gran popularidad en las redes sociales debido a su belleza y audacia.

La morenaza de 27 años es conocida cómo la reina de las mantarrayas, ya que nada bajo el mar junto a estas criaturas marinas, las cuales fueron responsables de la muerte de Steve Irwin, el cazador de cocodrilos.

La joven cuenta que creció en la pequeña isla deMo’orea, en el pacífico sur, “donde aprendí a compartir el agua con tiburones, ballenas, tortugas y delfines».

Si pudiera ayudar a la gente que les teme a estos animales a cambiar su perspectiva les diría que experimenten ellos mismo cómo es estar junto a las criaturas en vez de dejarse influenciar o tomar como referencia las cosas que han oído por ahí o que han visto en películas”, dice.

Surrounded by hungry pups Swimwear: @peaceofparadisecreations

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I know, I know: Steve Irwin Photo: @smartshot_christian.coulombe

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There are moments of magic in everything we do. It all depends on our perspective. Photo: @johngarzaphoto Swimwear: @peaceofparadisecreations

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Been back with my babes for a while now and it never gets old Photo: @johngarzaphoto Swimwear: @peaceofparadisecreations

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The current was blowing through my hair like the wind. And the stingrays flew like they were in the clouds. Photo: @smartshot_christian.coulombe

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Don't prey on the predators, understand them Photo: @johngarzaphoto Swimwear: @peaceofparadisecreations

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I find my moments of relaxation in this ocean that we share and care for Photo: @johngarzaphoto

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They whisper to me, not the other way around Photo: @smartshot_christian.coulombe

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Stingray kisses: the only kisses worth dying for

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"Art should comfort the disturbed And disturb the comfortable." I read this quote and started feeling like I might be really disturbed…

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I hope real life feels like a dream to you. Good night world Photo: @johngarzaphoto Swimwear: @peaceofparadisecreations

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Blessed are the curious for they shall find adventure.

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My 'aumakua, always watching over me

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I'm a Libra ≏ I like balance

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So grateful that they feel comfortable enough to let me into their world 💙

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Full of motus and different shades of blue, Bora was a dream 💙

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I hold all animals in high regard Photo: @smartshot_christian.coulombe Swimwear: @peaceofparadisecreations

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